Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Sustainability with WWA

Relationship between Second Life and other games.
What happen in second life different to the other virtual world?
Happen that we have a direct communication with the real world between a online system; in the other games we have only to communicate with a computer, nomore.

Why i say this?
this is a big think that bring us to say that we can sensibilize this virtual world with something important things like love, friendship...etc...

This blog will talk about sustainable architecture.
Sustainability is one of the most important thing that we need in these years because the global world is going to destroy his nature and the only way to improve it is work together to make a better system to live.

solar panel

That's one thing that may bring us to think to ourself.

We did it and we decide to create a community: World Wide Architecture

It's a global group for people interested (directly or undirectly) to the sustainability!

We're organizing meeting and, in a few weeks, we'll make it.

Take care :-)


Anonymous said...

hi wwa, i am a young arch and i want to say you why you don't speak of all form of architecture?!?!
in my opinion architecture is a way of life, so my life is my architecture!
good luck wwa...see you soon!
andrea "hope" zago

Anonymous said...

Hi there!
The answer is simple. There are already some groups in SL wich talk about general architecture.
That's why we talk about Sustainable Architecture =)

See ya